Are you ready to build a writing career worth celebrating?

Eager to escape the craziness of life to reconnect with yourself?

Excited to meet a small and supportive group who share your passion?

Join us for the 2024 Liberated Writer Retreat! We’re going deep together for this all-inclusive author retreat.

This retreat was a great experience. It was incredibly helpful to interact with people of different types while knowing what their types were. I also gained a lot of insight into why I do some of the things I do, and what might be better actions to take. I left with a lot of clarity on how to use the Enneagram in developing fictional characters and about some decisions I need to make in my own publishing journey.
— Stephanie A. Cain, author of the Storms in Amethir fantasy series

Our purpose for gathering

The attendees of the 2023 Retreat standing together outside the meeting room, mostly smiling.

The intrepid authors of the inaugural retreat

Give yourself a sigh of relief away from the daily grind to clear your head, learn about yourself through the Enneagram, and create a sustainable vision for your writing career.

This is a space for honest conversations and reflection that will benefit not only your author career, but your relationships and quality of life.

The Liberated Writer Retreat is the perfect mix of thought-provoking small-group discussion, guided reflections, free-time, and strengthening social connections to charge your creative battery, build a clear vision, and (of course) reclaim your author career.

There are already plenty of large author events to choose from, so I’m limiting this to 10 seats to keep this workshop and retreat small enough to build genuine connections with your fellow authors during our time together.

If you feel like you should be further along in your publishing career than you are…

If you feel like that spark is gone between you and your writing…

If you’re ready to explore new patterns of perceiving and relating to the world to achieve fresh results…

This is the event you’ve been waiting for.

Join a small group of authors seeking deeper fulfillment from their stories and their lives as we explore new lenses, brainstorm ideas, and enjoy a laugh over good food!

What is a “liberated Writer”?

Two authors sit in rocking chairs outdoors, discussing their reflections.

With plenty of comfortable outdoor spaces, you’ll get the most out of thoughtful reflections with other authors.

A Liberated Writer can look many different ways, but is it essentially someone who runs their writing business with relative ease, who knows what they want out of life, who understands that we make decisions based almost entirely on how we want to feel, and who possesses awareness of how they want to feel so the desired or feared feeling isn’t in the driver’s seat.

The concept of “liberation” in Enneagram-speak is an important one. Our learned cognitive, emotional, and behavioral schemas (patterns) may have protected us at some point, but many of them go on to keep us from thriving. They lock us in a cyclical prison of our own making, and when that happens, we reach a point of suffering that may feel like we’re losing our minds, or we feel tense or even a little queazy all the time, or perhaps we feel stuck in an unpleasant emotion with no hope of getting out.

If you’ve been there before, you know this is not an ideal place to be in when you’re trying to write and make important publishing decisions.

But every Enneagram type has a clear path to “liberation,” that is, a way of living that recognizes that those subconscious patterns formed on top of our beliefs about the world but are not necessarily Truth. Therefore, we can inspect them, dismantle them, and see the world around us—and the people around us—more clearly. Each path of liberation is ultimately a path to the true you, a way to freeing your innate gifts and bringing them into the world.

Here is a sample of the journey for each type:

In place of judgment and criticism, Reformers become wise and discerning.

In place of forcing our help on others, Helpers become humble and altruistic.

In place of constantly performing and being “on,” Achievers become self-accepting and authentic.

In place of envy and melancholy, Individualists become inspired and endlessly creative.

In place of intellectual cynicism and conceptualizing, Investigators become open-minded visionaries.

In place of worst-case thinking and doubt, Loyalists become courageous and cooperative.

In place of restlessness and superficiality, Enthusiasts become joyous and deeply grateful.

In place of fighting or bullying, Challengers become merciful and heroic.

In place of indifference or fatalism, Peacemakers become self-possessed and fully alive.

Of course, there’s a little bit of every type inside of us. This means we have so much to learn from others as we go through this process. And the best part is, as we liberate ourselves, we grant permission to and encourage those around us to do the same.

As far as cycles go, that’s a pretty damn virtuous one.

Let’s also not forget that we’re all writers, so our liberation reaches countless people through our stories who may have otherwise never experienced it.

I loved this author’s retreat based around the Enneagram! It was a transformative experience. I learned how to apply the Enneagram to my writing, and I’m now able to create more complex and believable characters. I highly recommend this retreat to any author who wants to deepen their understanding of themselves and their characters.
— Macarena luz Bianchi, author of The Grateful Giraffes series

In our time together, we'll apply the concept of liberation to our writing career.

We’ll examine questions like:

  • Where are the patterns exhausting us so that the words don't flow as easily?

  • What options are we not seeing due to our particular lens?

  • How might the very behaviors that we believe are protecting us be holding us back from breaking through to the next level?

  • How can we connect with our writing more deeply than ever so that the process of writing transforms us as well as the reader?

A Liberated Writer, then, is someone on this journey toward a rich and sustainable writing path. And the journey becomes much less intimidating when we have good company along with us.

Prior to Event

No one will show up unprepared, don’t worry. We’ll be meeting virtually prior to the event to ensure you get the most out of your time in Austin.

Here’s what you can expect prior to the event itself:

The iEQ9 Assessment - Prior to October 1st, 2024
Before we even gather in Austin, every participant will receive a test code for the iEQ9 Enneagram assessment and be asked to complete it prior to October 1st.

Typing Interview - October 2024
Throughout the month of October, I’ll be meeting 1-on-1 with each participant to go over the results and ensure that we have clarity on everyone’s type before we dig in.

Mistyping is the fastest way to misalignment, and I want to make sure we all start off together on the right foot and can skip over basic typing discussions in our three days together.

Group call - Early October 2024
All attendees are asked to attend a virtual group introduction call to see who they’ll get to spend time with in Austin. As an introvert myself, I know this can be helpful to assuage anxiety. I’ll lead us in introductions about our author career and Enneagram types.

Pre-reading & reflections - Prior to October 22nd
I’ll send out links with resources and information for your type, as well as some reflection questions to get you started. Please familiarize yourself with the material and return the completed booklet ahead of our retreat! The clearer we are about our personal lens, the more honest and enlightening our discussions will be.

This is an Enneagram-focused author retreat, and while not every discussion will be about that… probably every discussion will end up about that (it usually does with me).

We’ll explore how your core fear is keeping you at arm’s length from your purpose and how your core desire can lead you toward true fulfillment in your author career and beyond.

We’ll also explore:

A group of authors sit around a table, writing out reflections for an exercise.

Mornings are the time for exercises, games, and reflections. This uninterrupted time is where the career-changing magic happens.

  • How your Enneagram style determines where you put your attention, and what results from that

  • What patterns got you to where you are, and how to create new ones for different results

  • The wake-up calls in your career that you’re missing

  • How you bring about the very thing you’re trying to avoid

  • What satisfying goals actually look like for you

And so much more.

Event rules

By signing up, you’re agreeing to these two crucial event rules:

  1. No discussion of earnings, sales figures, follower counts, or email subscriber numbers.
    There is no correlation between external numbers and the internal fulfillment of an author, the latter of which being why we’re gathering. We are joining each other as equally valuable humans on equal footing with one another, regardless of where we are in our career. Having ego-boosting stats enter a discussion is a surefire way to shut down the vulnerable and meaningful conversations we’re there to have, so authors agree to leave those things out of all conversation during our days together.

  2. No cell phones during workshops.

    This goes for any communication electronics—laptops, tablets, whatever else. Taking notes is fine, but it will need to be on paper. This rule is designed to create a meaningful connection with the people present. Authors are asked to leave their phones in their hotel room during this time or have it on silent in a designated area of the room (out of arm’s reach). This will only be a few hours in the mornings with breaks in between for you to get your fix if you need. If you’re getting anxious just thinking about being cut off, then that’s a great place for us to dive in on some Enneagram work. (Let me know ahead of time if you need a special accommodation for this rule, as I understand that certain physical capacities and learning styles can rule out handwriting as a viable option.)

Identification → Transformation

With the Enneagram gaining popularity, a lot of people nowadays know their type.

But knowing your type is only the first step of using the Enneagram for liberation.

Assuming you haven’t been mistyped by a test (this happens quite often!), you’re likely in the identification phase of the process. This is where you learn about your type and start to identify the patterns of the type that are ruling your life in ways you couldn’t see before. This is a crucial step!

Sometimes it feels good, and it makes you feel seen. Sometimes it feels a little bit like an attack… but it still makes you feel seen. And most of all, it gives you a sense of control over yourself. Who doesn’t want to experience that?

And so the identification phase is where most people stop using the Enneagram.

But the next phase is the most important, and it’s the one we’ll be focusing on at this retreat: transformation.

Transformation isn’t always fun and games.

Transformation can feel out of control.

Transformation takes a lifetime of work.

Any guesses why most people never bother with it?

But transformation can also be a huge relief. Working toward liberation is a beautiful process of letting go of the things that have been weighing us down and embracing what really matters to a life well lived. The Enneagram gives us an elegant roadmap for what we can expect in this process and who is waiting for us farther down the path. It’s the big, scary work of the Enneagram, but it’s where all the true rewards can be found. That’s why we do it.

I can tell you from experience, though: it’s a lot less scary when we’re doing it alongside others who understand the messiness of the process.

This retreat will help you find your people for taking this brave step forward.

One of the best workshops I’ve taken part in, hands down. [...] Claire Taylor makes Enneagrams come alive and can make them useful tools not only in my writing, but in my relationships and in understanding what motivates me as well. [...] The fun is back in my writing and that’s bound to show up in the books. I will be taking this workshop again.
— Martha Carr, bestselling author of The Queen of the Flightless Dragons series

What’s included

  • 1 iEQ9 assessment + report to be taken prior to arrival

  • Group introduction call prior to arrival

  • 1 30-minute virtual Enneagram typing interview w/Claire prior to arrival

  • Two half-days of Enneagram-based strategy workshops & reflections

  • A 30-minute in-person 1-on-1 strategy session w/Claire

  • Breakfast, snack & lunch on Wednesday (10/23) & Thursday (10/24)

  • Dinner on Tuesday (10/22), Wednesday (10/23) & Thursday (10/24)

  • 3 nights’ stay in private room at Lone Star Court at the Domain in Austin, Texas

  • BONUS: A ticket to the Liberated Writer 5-week virtual course.

Most big author conferences will run you thousands for a ticket, hotel, meals, and events, and it’s easy to leave feeling a little wrung out, overstimulated, and wondering if you got your money’s worth.

For the same price or less, you can arrive at the Liberated Writer Retreat knowing you’ll get more than your money’s worth. You won’t have to worry about a thing when it comes to food and hotel and will definitely build useful and supportive connections with other authors. Plus you’ll leave feeling refreshed and excited to start on your new path toward an aligned author career.

Note: As someone who has to adhere to a strict gluten-free diet, I’m happy to accommodate any dietary preferences or restrictions you have. Just let me know ahead of time.

REserve your spot:

Only 11 tickets total! Early bird pricing ends June 1st, 2024 or whenever seats sell out.

  • 1-on-1 typing interview

  • Group workshops

  • 30min strategy 1-on-1

  • All meals

  • 3 nights’ stay in private room

  • Seat to Liberated Writer course (reg. $425)

Sale Price:$2,299.00 Original Price:$2,499.00
Reserve my seat
$419.00 every month for 6 months
Reserve my seat

Our meeting room for the retreat… when we’re not outside enjoying the weather.

Tentative Schedule

Tuesday, October 22nd

4pm - Check in for Lone Star Court opens, settle into room

5pm - Optional Meet-and-Greet Happy Hour

6pm - Walk to dinner

Wednesday, October 23rd

8-9am - Breakfast buffet (catered at Lone Star Court)

9am - Enneagram lesson & workshop (snacks, too!)

12pm - Lunch (walk to nearby restaurant)

2pm - Day 1 wrap-up

3pm - 1-on-1s w/Claire, free time to relax, explore, reflect, socialize

7:30pm - Meet and walk to dinner

Thursday, October 24th

8-9am - Breakfast buffet (catered at Lone Star Court)

9am - Enneagram exercises and reflections (snacks, too!)

12pm - Lunch (walk to nearby restaurant)

2pm - Day 2 wrap-up

3pm - 1-on-1s w/Claire, free time to relax, explore, reflect, socialize

7:30pm - Meet and walk to dinner

Friday, October 25th

noon - Checkout from Lone Star Court

***Note: During our morning time together, I will request that all participants leave their phones in their hotel room to support our presence of mind while we meet. This is only a few hours each day, and you’ll be happier for it, I promise.

Meet The host

Claire Taylor, Owner of FFS Media

Some know me as the owner of FFS Media and a fiction strategist. I'm also the host of the Sell More Books Show, a popular weekly podcast that covers publishing tips and the top industry news. 

First and foremost, though, I'm a fiction author with 40+ books across multiple pen names. 

My passion lies in telling a story that sticks with readers long after they finish the last page. And that amazing feeling compels me to help authors hold onto that passion themselves and unlock a love for their gifts. 

Once I started incorporating the Enneagram framework into my writing and author strategy, it all clicked for me.

This! This simple-yet-complex personality typing system was what I'd been looking for! 


Now I help other authors learn about themselves through their Enneagram lens to better understand their deepest motivation and avoid burnout by building a sustainable career path to inspire joy, adventure, passion, and healthy curiosity for years to come.

I’m a Certified Advanced Instructor of the Enneagram Spectrum Method and an Accredited Practitioner of the Integrative Enneagram, both of which are accredited by the International Enneagram Association (IEA). I’ve hosted virtual workshops and masterclasses, taught courses, and presented at live events on how authors can use the Enneagram to improve their career and lives.

When I’m not writing my own fiction, this is what I do.

(It’s not all I do, though. I also spend my days playing soccer, making pottery, hiking, reading, and gardening.)

There are plenty of forces in this world trying to crush our creative dreams, and it takes a lot of support, wisdom, and rebellious joy to pursue what we love in this one life. 

I hope you’ll join me as we connect with our deepest selves, reignite our writing passion, and share meals with fellow authors.

  • 1-on-1 typing interview

  • Group workshops

  • 30min strategy 1-on-1

  • All meals

  • 3 nights’ stay in private room

  • Seat to Liberated Writer course (reg. $425)

Sale Price:$2,299.00 Original Price:$2,499.00
Reserve my seat
$419.00 every month for 6 months
Reserve my seat

The Liberated Writer 5-Week Virtual Course

The Liberated Writer 5-week course takes a holistic Enneagram approach to broadening your lens as an author and building a powerhouse career that brings out your natural gifts.

Week by week, you’ll learn about your type’s blind spots, distractions, complicated identities, and more… along with those for each of the 9 types! (We have to write all kinds of characters, after all.)

Each week will include 2 group calls to bring the concepts into sharper focus, problem solve, and learn from each other’s ideas and breakthroughs.

This course is priced at $425, but it comes FREE with your ticket to the 2024 Liberated Writer Retreat.

Read more about the course here.

You may be wondering: Do I still need the course once I’ve attended the retreat?

Yes, we’ll be covering slightly different topics that are more appropriate for one setting and format versus the other. And the great thing about the Enneagram is there’s no end to how much you can learn from each concept. We all need reminders and fresh perspectives on the hard lessons we need to learn for growth! I like for each of my classes and events to build upon and complement the others, and this will be no exception.

You’ll get even more out of this retreat experience with the Liberated Writer virtual course.


Lone Star Court

Browse photos ☟

The daily gatherings will take place at Lone Star Court in the Domain district in North Austin. I love this spot because it’s a peaceful retreat in an incredibly convenient location!

This is a great spot with lovely outdoor spaces on site to enjoy the fall weather. Meanwhile, it’s still within easy walking distance to amazing restaurants we’ll enjoy for our lunch and dinner. It’s also a hot spot for shopping or sipping a latte in a cafe during your free hours.

I’m booking the hotel room for each attendee, so once you purchase your ticket, you’ll be set in that regard. Every guest will get their own private room.


Austin-Bergstrom International Airport

This is a large airport offering plenty of flight options. A ride share to Lone Star Court will cost about $30 each way. Since this is a small event, it’s possible for us to coordinate your travel with others who may be arriving close to the same time on Tuesday, October 3rd. We’ll be in touch with everyone to make transportation as easy and pain-free as possible since the City of Austin has not.

The Domain

Once you’re in the Domain district, you’ll find that it’s incredibly walkable. However, if a 10-minute walk is a no-go for you, there are also plenty of ride-share options and we’re happy to provide any special accommodations needed.


If you’re driving to the event, Lone Star Court has plenty of complimentary parking for those staying there.

Downtown Austin

If you wish to visit downtown Austin during your trip, there’s a rail line minutes from the Domain that will take you there in about 40 minutes and costs around $5. That being said, most of the successful establishments downtown have been replicated in the Domain.

This is a retreat for authors who are ready for transformation. That takes vulnerability, a sense of humor, dedication, and courage.

If you feel like you’ve tried all the things and are still missing something in your life and career, this is what you’ve been waiting for.

Hope to see you there!



If I live in Austin, can I commute from home and get a discount on the room I don’t use?

All participants are expected to stay on-site at Lone Star Court. It makes for easier group time, and you get the benefit of not being in your home with all your things (and responsibilities) to clear your head and make the most of our time together.

Are there scholarships available?

Not at this time. I understand that some would consider this a high ticket price, but for everything that’s included, the margins are too thin to offer scholarships. I also believe in paying myself for the time I spend organizing and running this.

Will there be more Liberated Writer retreats in the future?

I sure hope so. However, I expect this to be a once-in-a-lifetime event in its own way. The Japanese describe it as ichi-go ichi-e, or “one time, one meeting.” I hope you’ll join us for this one unforgettable meeting.

Can I bring my child or significant other along?
Nope. Leave ‘em at home. The hotel rooms are reserved for single occupants. Additionally, it’s hard to do this work when you feel the need to give attention to your family members in your free time. The unwanted cycles that are affecting your work are also undoubtedly present in your closest relationships. That’s no knock on anyone, it’s just how things work. You need time to yourself to evaluate your patterns and decide how you’re doing to adjust in all facets of your life. That’s hard to do with the other half of those unconscious cycles present.

I’m an introvert. Is this retreat right for me?
As your fellow introvert, I assure you that this will be a comfortable environment. Participants are invited to share deep and vulnerable parts of themselves in the group discussions (it’s what makes Enneagram work so exciting), but I haven’t found that to be a problem for introverts. You’re free to skip the small talk. It’s actually encouraged!

I’m an extrovert. Is this retreat right for me?
Absolutely. You’re the glue that holds groups of introverts together. Just don’t be offended if some of the introverts opt to recharge in their rooms during afternoon free time. The Domain offers plenty of wonderful public places to chat up strangers or recharge around people in your free time.

Are flights included in the price?
The ticket covers your hotel room and all your meals, but not flights. Austin has an international airport, though, and plenty of cheap direct flights to and from. I’ll help match up attendees for ride shares when we get closer to the date.

What if I don’t know my Enneagram type?
By the time you arrive, you’ll know. Included in the price of the ticket is the iEQ9 (normally $60) and a 30-minute typing session with me where all we’ll focus on is getting clear on your type. You’ll feel confident about your Enneagram style before you arrive at the retreat. And if you don’t, that’s also not a problem. This is a discovery process, and I’ll guide you through.